June 1, 2010

Count your many blessings… name them one by one!

I just got some of the best news ever and I’m so happy that I have decided to take a moment of my time to publicly thank God and count my blessings…

1. Life! I’m so grateful for life… It’s not an easy life all the time (if ever), but it’s my life and having come so close to losing that life not so many months ago, I am grateful to have it.

2. My children. The fact that they massively outnumber me can be overwhelming on any given day (every day), but I’m so grateful for their influence both en masse and individually. I learn something new every day.

3. Music. Everyone who knows me personally and intimately knows how important music is to me. Not just the beautiful melodies, but the words, the heart, the soul… isn’t it amazing how our darkest and most painful moments (and even our most beautiful and happy moments) can become someone else’s favorite song and speak to them in a way that nothing else can???

4. Friends. I don’t have very many. I am a pretty outgoing person, but that deep connection with other people is not something I develop easily. So, to have even just a few people I call friend is so meaningful to me. Without them – well… I would be sad.

5. Love. I have been blessed in this life to have loved and to have been loved. I’ve not always been good to those who love me and I’ve not always been good at loving. But, I like to think that I’ve matured with age and that – maybe one day – that a truly deep and meaningful love from a man, beyond that I have ever known, will be something I will be blessed to experience.

6. Fans.  I'm no one really special musically.  But, I'm different and I am grateful for that.  I don't have a huge fan base (YET), but I do have one and for each and everyone of those fans who are consistently giving me love and encouragement - THANK YOU!  From the very bottom of my heart. 

7.  My JOB.  It's nothing major.  But, I'm grateful for it nevertheless.  Really, I am - even on Mondays. 

8.  My parents.  They have helped me a lot and I'm who I am today because of their influence.  So, for that I must be eternally grateful. 

9.  My dog.  He's just the best.  He's my furry boyfriend and I love him!!!!  He's the best spooner around and no matter what kind of mood I'm in - he loves me unconditionally.  Frederick Odiferous Masticus Swineus Barkius Lickius Gluteous Maximus (aka Odie) is my pal...  And he never tells my secret baked bean recipe.  ;-)

10.  Last, and certainly not lease, my God! What a GREAT GOD HE IS! I’m not perfect and I never will be. I sin more frequently than I care to admit. Thankfully, he is a forgiving God and he has – what I can only assume is – a GREAT sense of humor. Most days I feel like I am his personal comic fodder. But, in the end, I can laugh at myself with Him and I know HE loves me and will not let me perish.

P.S. The awesome news is that the money has come in for the new song!!! And, we will be in studio in short order – so keep your eyes open for the release of Bring it Back Home!

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